B.P. Lathi has authored letters, papers, and other writings about social issues and other topics.
Below are the nine Engineering textbooks he authored:
Feedback on my latest book
I have to thank you for sharing this wonderful work with me. You have given an incredibly clear exposition of Hindu thought, and Advaita Vedānta in particular. I think this will be an important book for helping ordinary people, especially in the Western world, understand Hinduism. You present complex concepts in an admirably clear way, so that they can be understood even by people with little familiarity or background with India or with the dharma traditions. It will also be helpful to Hindus in the US, especially younger Hindus, who are often not very well versed, unfortunately, in the depths of Hindu philosophy. At the same time, even as the book is very clear and accessible to a popular audience, it is also deeply researched, with citations from a wide range of scholarly sources.
Dr. Jeffery D. Long
Professor of Religion and Asian Studies
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA
Dr. Jeffery D. Long
I applaud your academic integrity...found your approach both innovative and engaging... As for the general tone and content of the text, I am very favorably impressed. [Your] use of metaphors to illustrate basic beliefs makes this a much more readable and understandable text. [The] [c]hapters...are well structured and well written. They frequently rely on metaphors and similes to help introduce the reader to fairly deep concepts, and they do so extremely well.
Bob Chamberlain, PhD, ThE
For more information or schedule BP Lathi for speaking events